Poll Worker

Missouri Secretary of State - Pollworker FAQs

•To become a Poll Worker, call the Election Administrator’s Office at 361-294-5255
•Those interested in working the polls need to be a Registered Voter of Kenedy County.
•Poll Workers can take the Secretary of State’s Poll Worker Training at https://pollworkertraining.sos.texas.gov/.
•Poll Workers are required to do three to five election training classes on election procedures and forms prior to each election.

Poll Watcher

Poll Watcher – a person appointed to observe the conduct of an election on behalf of:
• a candidate,
• a political party, or
• the proponents or opponents of a measure (specific-purpose political action committees).


• Be a registered voter of the territory (e.g., city, school district) covered by the election and of the county for November general elections for state and county officers (held on even-numbered years), primary elections, or other countywide elections; [Sec. 33.031]
•NOT be a candidate for public office in an election held on the day the watcher seeks to serve; [Sec. 33.032]
•NOT hold an elective public office; [Sec. 33.034]
•NOT be an employee of an election judge or clerk serving at the same polling place; [Sec. 33.033]
•NOT have been finally convicted of an offense in connection with conduct directly attributable to an election; [Sec. 33.035] and
•NOT be related within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity (as determined by Tex. Gov’t Code, Secs. 573.022-573.025) to an election judge or clerk serving at that polling place. These include spouses, siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren. A watcher may be related to the candidate the watcher is representing. [Sec. 33.033].

Poll Watcher Guide
Poll Watcher Training
SOS Poll Watcher Information Sheet
VoteTexas.gov Get Involved